Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Value of money...

Nowadays everything revolves around money and it has almost become like a god. Without it we are nowhere and nobody would even give you a second glance. I am not trying to say money is not needed but there is a big difference between need and want. Our wants are many and for that we need more money. If we use it for our basic necessities then we don't need lot of money.

We have lost the value of money nowadays. When we were kids what we used to get with ten ngultrums, now we hardly get anything for the same. If we go for shopping with 500 ngultrums, we can hardly get anything but with the same we used to be able to buy a lot and even save some. Everything has become costlier nowadays. We don't value money for what it is worth. We spend more than we earn. We buy things unnecessarily just to maintain some status. We don't try to live within our means. And that's the reason why we are not happy and satisfied.

I learnt to value money from my early days since my parents never over indulged us by giving us the best they could and I am forever grateful for that. My dad's principle is to live within one's means and never to borrow money from others especially friends since that is the root cause of many clashes and enmity. He is even against taking loans from the banks. He did not wanted his children to repay the debt and interest.

I graduated from India and later on did my masters too from India and my stay over there taught me a lot about life. I could see the difference in the way of living between us and them. Where they believe in saving, we believe in spending. Where they save for tomorrow, we live for today. There every single rupee counts and makes a difference and here we think of bigger numbers only. There knowing the value of money does not mean being stingy but here we think that if you value money then it is being stingy. Here we don't even mind paying more for what that thing actually costs. But I feel that paying more than what it is worth is unnecessary wastage of money and we are not multimillionaire that we can spend money just like water.

It is our responsibility that we teach our younger generation right from the beginning the value of money among other things. Nowadays parents have become busy in their own lives and don't spend as much time with their children and in order to compensate that they provide their kids with everything and even give them huge pocket money. The result of which we can see that more youngsters are into drugs, gangs etc.
We should use money but not let it rule us.

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